Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Summer Triangle and the Milky Way

I waited for a few months to finally see the beautiful band of the Milky Way across the night sky. According to the, you can locate this band, this hazy band of our home galaxy, by looking for three stars that form an asterism known as the Summer Triangle. I saw it last night.

This is how it appears over the southern Philippines at 10pm. That bright star in the upper right is
Altair. The one above that pole is Vega. Deneb is one in lower part of the photo. The brighter region of the Milky Way extends southwards from this asterism.

This is the galactic center. Had it been truly dark, I would have taken a better exposure. This is why it is never recommended to take night sky photos in the middle of the city. Light pollution doesn't allow you to increase exposure. If you tried, you'd get a washed out night sky photo.

Some people look at the sky at night and ask, "where's the Milky Way?" 

Baby, we're in it!

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