Monday, April 22, 2013

Candles Still Burn in Gensan

As the power outages continue to wreak havoc in the homes and businesses in General Santos City, people have no recourse but to endure the inconvenience. There seems no definite schedule for the rotating power outages. We get our power cut off any time of the day, or so it seems. When it happens in midday, we have to endure the discomforting heat, occasionally punctuated by cloudy skies. Rain is priceless these days.

At night we have no other option but to light candles and burn oil lamps.

No one knows exactly when this problem will be over. I heard the city government and the South Cotabalo Electrical Cooperative had already gone through the first steps in solving the crisis, but I'm not exactly sure what these steps are. I heard about buying generator sets to alleviate the current problem. Long-term solutions ought to be laid out concretely for the public to know. Nonetheless, this seems a snag in our progress that's probably going to linger for the years to come.

I went to Reyes' Haircutters three weeks ago but was surprised they couldn't serve customers because of an outage. It's an example of how much businesses today rely on electricity to operate.

As the power crisis continues and people in the city have no choice but to light candles, I guess candle makers are seeing a business boon.

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